Book publishing is another area where we apply XML technologies. In
the last year, we have worked on a number of books from Charles F. Goldfarb’s
Definitive XML Series published by Prentice Hall.
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For new books in the series, our studio performs most of the
editorial and production tasks, from getting the source manuscript
from the author to producing final PDF pages.
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Using an XSLT stylesheet created by our studio, we transform the
source XML into XSL-FO. Then,
we use the XEP formatter to
render the XSL-FO files into PDF.
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The same stylesheet is also responsible for section numbering,
resolving cross-references, compiling the index and table of
contents, etc. We also do copyediting and proofreading of most
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The books we produced include:
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Lars Marius Garshol, Definitive XML Application Development;
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G. Ken Holman, Definitive XSLT and XPath (for this book, we also developed the design of the pages, see sample chapter);
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Priscilla Walmsley,
Definitive XML Schema.